Wednesday 23 April 2008


I got my hair done yesterday, it is brown and blue now. I wanted it bleached white blonde or some other pale colour, but alas the dude did it dark. I don't like it. Best not to dwell on appearances though, eh? Hopefully it can be changed easily enough.

He did my make-up as well for a photoshoot, it was horrific! I'm utterly paranoid about people seeing me before I've got my slap on (I know I'm vain, but I can't help it) and I have a thing about people touching my face. I suppose it looked okay in the end, I suppose...

I am currently in the process of designing another tattoo for myself. It's gonna be a fairly big one. Although I'm conscious that it might be wise to hold back a wee whilebefore I get it done as I've already had three done this year. And I'm supposed to be saving money for a flat or whatever after the summer. I need to perfect the designs for it first anyway as I have a few ideas swimming around my napper.

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